When the word ‘podcast’ is mentioned, there’s still a large proportion of people who automatically think of a talk-show host or presenter discussing a specific topic with invited guests, an introduction summing up what’s going to be covered, and intercut sponsor ads, etc. Basically, an on-demand radio show. But that limited format is really only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the potential that podcasts have. If you haven’t heard of them already, get ready to delve into the world of fiction podcasting!
Whatever you call them, podcasts, audio dramas, or scripted story-telling, fiction podcasts are an exciting new way for aspiring screenwriters to cheaply produce work, hone their writing skills, and gain an audience, and Hollywood is fast catching on, scouring for potentially valuable IP (intellectual property), derivative rights, and popular content that they can adapt for the screen.
FictionPodcasts.com is a great place to discover what’s possible when it comes to scripted audio dramas. All of the genres you know and love from writing screenplays are just as popular for listeners on the go too, plus some that you won’t find when browsing your local cinema listings or streamable service guide. Genres that wouldn’t necessarily make a great fit for a movie or a novel are now finding a home with fiction podcasts. Anthology, Alternate History, Fan Fiction, Improvisational, Interactive, Story-Telling, and Young Adult, are but a few that’s been added to your more traditional genres, showing just how innovative and diverse the medium can be.
Just to give you a taste of the various different ways you can use fiction podcasts to stretch the story-telling muscles you’ve already developed by screenwriting, here’s a shortlist of some of the most innovative new fiction podcasts out there –

The No Sleep Podcast is a multi-award-winning anthology series of original horror stories that uses an audio-book narration style along with rich atmospheric music to enhance frightening tales of terror.
Read the full article here - https://www.shorescripts.com/podcasts-untapped-way-for-screenwriters-to-breakthrough/